The OnePlus Nord N10, Nord N100 have been launched as more affordable offerings than the original OnePlus Nord. HIGHLIGHTS OnePlus Nord N10 has been launched alongside the Nord N100. OnePlus Nord N10 gets a quad camera set-up. OnePlus Nord N100 is powered by a Snapdragon 460 SoC. After weeks of leaks and rumours, OnePlus has finally launched the latest additions to its mid-range smartphone line-up, Nord. The company has added to its line-up of the Nord series of phones, with the N10 5G and Nord N100. The two devices have been launched as more affordable offerings than the original OnePlus Nord which was launched in India and other markets earlier. Both the OnePlus Nord N10 and Nord N100 offer modest specifications. Here's what they bring to the table. OnePlus Nord N10, Nord N100: Specifications Display: OnePlus Nord N10 comes with a 6.49dZFkcrKdk7XegyMd3kp4MGQoLFeMWM6Lion2T3q3h6DScBViFrXXuZoxkHq1TB1mGufMoGzfXd7jJ7ocgpJGxdEiGirjG with a 6.52-inch HD+ display with 60Hz refresh rate...